Tax calendar

The online tax calendar shows the key tax deadlines. Register to receive our email tax reminders (based on the dates in this calendar) and never miss another tax deadline.

Call 01204 938696 or email

The red text indicates an entry relevant to companies and employers, black refers to personal tax, and bold indicates an important item.

Click on an item to find out more detail of how it may affect you.

If you would like to receive email reminders before these key tax dates from our taxREMINDER system, then click here to register on our website. If you have already registered and would like to change your taxREMINDER options then click to log on.

March 2025

Is this relevant to you?

The final deadline of 5th April 2025 is relevant to individuals who have not considered year-end tax planning issues. These issues include:

  • utilising your annual capital gains tax exemption
  • utilising your annual inheritance tax exemption for gifts
  • utilising your annual Individual Savings Account investment limit (ISA)
  • making additional pension contributions for 2024/25.

Please get in touch if you would like any further advice on these or any other issues.